Case Study
Cookie Manufacturer Early Pay Discount
Cookie manufacturer has opportunity to lower COGS by paying suppliers early.
They currently have 60 day terms with all vendors to manage cash flow.
The manufacturer is able to receive a substantial discount from their suppliers by Zenith paying for supplies upon shipment.
Main clients to which they distribute to are Costco and Whole Food’s.
Investment Summary
Security: Unsecured
Investment Size: $25,000,000
Supplier Fee (Net to Client): 0%
Company Revenue: $750,000,000
Deal Structure
Supplier credit transaction with the purpose of giving Cookie Manufacturer the opportunity to take advantage of early payment incentives.
Zenith will provide Cookie company $25,000,000 of liquidity to pursue better terms with suppliers. This is 100% unsecured and accounted for as a trade payable on the balance sheet, allowing the company to increase free cash flow with out adding debt.
The manufacturer chooses which invoices it wants paid for by Zenith and uploads them to Zenith's funding portal for payment. Zenith then gives the Cookie Manufacturer up to 180 day payment terms on invoices paid for by Zenith. Zenith never needs to interact with suppliers like other supply chain programs.
The Cookie Manufacturer now has the ability to purchase product more efficiently, lowering COGS, while having increased liquidity at a lower overall cost then senior secured debt.